Slim by Eating Healthy Body Work joy like Up Alphard

Health Motivator dr. Phaidon L Toruan reveal when you eat healthy nutritious foods, your body of work will be easier. "Eating a healthy diet, not fried is still in the original form, our body feels like riding Alphard. Energy level high, fat is not easy," said dr. Phaidon when interviewed wolipop Kasblanka City, Kuningan, South Jakarta recently. When riding Alphard, people will feel more comfortable. Convenience is also felt body when you eat healthy foods.

It is also never revealed who is now also a celebrity chef Sophie Navita rawfood. Sophie has been implementing a healthy life by eating food in its original form as raw vegetables.

"Because raw vegetables and fruit enzymes carry themselves when entering into our bodies. Upon receiving the food of life (living food), do not need to make its own enzymes. Agency we will be more relaxed. Meanwhile, if the food is not alive, the body will attempt to produce outstanding enzymes, "he explained.

To start eating healthy is not easy. For example, when trying to replace the intake of simple carbohydrates (eg white rice) to the complex (red rice) will definitely feel there was something strange.

"Everyone will feel the clumsiness changed. Took 25 days for the body to adapt. After that our body will get used to," said the doctor, who recently launched the book 'Fit For Success' is.

When trying to eat as healthy as eating brown rice and boiled food, affirmed dr. Phaidon, bad taste in the mouth just happen. "The agency actually more comfortable, powerful. As we replace oil, premium to pertamax. Pay him really bad, but just bad used car," he said again analogize.

While trying to live healthy, avoid foods that contain artificial sweeteners and fried. Fried foods can bind oxygen so easy to make you sleepy. While foods with artificial sweeteners make you feel even more hungry.

"We eat a low calorie cake, low-calorie tea, which contains artificial sweeteners, eat a bit more. Brain we want to eat anymore," he explained.

In addition to changing the consumption of simple carbohydrates into complex, avoiding fried foods and eat vegetables, other advice given by dr. Phaidon to healthy living is to increase the intake of fruits. He suggested that the consumption of fruits three times a day before meals.

"Eat fruit first will provide a significant impact on the human body. Fruits will help all metabolic processes in the body. By eating made also for stomach half filled. Fruits are rich in fiber that has properties of fat block," he explained.

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Speed ​​Reading Tricks

just think about how much you read every day.
Perhaps you read the newspaper to find out what is happening in Indonesia or the world. You browse countless emails from colleagues. Then you might want to read books, reports, proposals, periodicals, and letters that make up your day.
When you remember it, reading could be work-related skills that you use most often? Reading well is a skill which most of us do that since we are at the age of 12 years.
After all, if we can read and understand textbooks, whether we've become good readers?
Probably not, and given the time to read is often consumed in our daily lives, then reading becomes a skill that we absolutely must have and improve.
But to become better readers, what would be involved?
Become better readers means more rapid and efficient in reading, without compromising the essence of what you read. In this article, we'll look at how you can do this, and how can you forget your old reading habits are not good.How We're Reading
Even if you spend most of your time each day to read, do you ever think about how you read?
How your eyes to understand the shape of letters, and then put the letters together to form a sentence that you can understand?
When you really think about it, reading becomes a fairly complex skill. Previously, scientists believed that when you read, your eyes focused on a particular letter in the word. Recent research has shown that kind of thing does not happen.
Scientists now believe that each of your eyes lock onto a different letter at the same time, usually two separate characters. Your brain then combines the letters together to form a word. This happens almost instantly.Advantages Speed ​​Reading
Most people read at an average rate of 250 words per minute. This means that you spend 1-2 minutes to read a page in a book or document.
However, imagine if you could double your level to 500 words per minute. You can quickly read all of the content in half the time. You then can use the time saved to other tasks, or take a few extra minutes to relax.
Another important advantage of the quick read is that you can better understand the overall structure of the document. This results in an understanding of the "bigger", where you can benefit for your job and career.

Speed ​​reading is a skill that is useful and valuable. However, there may be times when it is not appropriate when using this technique. For example, reading a very important document which you need to read slowly, so that you can fully understand every detail.
Solve the Less Good Reading Habits
If you are like most people, then you may have a habit of reading that slow you down. Become better readers means how to overcome bad habits, so that you can open a new path, which is an effective way to read.
Below are some general reading habit is not good, following a discussion about what you can do about it.
Sub-vocalization is the habit of pronouncing each word in your head when you read it. Most people do this to some extent.
If you do a sub-vocalization, you "hear" the words spoken in your mind. It takes more time than necessary, because you can actually understand the words faster than you say it.
To turn off the sound in your head, you must first understand that this is happening to you, then you have to practice "do not talk". When you sit down to read, tell yourself that you will not do sub-vocalization. You need to practice this to this bad habit is lost. Read a set of words will also help, as it is difficult to articulate a set of words.
By eliminating sub-vocalization alone, you can increase the speed of reading with an astounding number. If not, you are limited to read at the same speed as speech, which is about 250-350 words per minute. The only way to break through this barrier is to stop saying the words in your head as you read.
Reading the Word By Word
Not only is slow to read word for word, but when you concentrate on the separate words, you often lose the whole concept of what it means. People who read every word as different units can be less understanding than those who read faster by "gathering" together words in a block. (Think about how your eyes move when you read this article, do you actually read every word, or you read a block of two, three, or five words?)
Practice expanding the number of words you can read at a time. You may also find that you can increase the number of words you can read the text positioned slightly further away from your eyes. The more words you can read in each block, the faster you will read!
Inefficient Eye Movement
Readers who later tended to focus on every word, and works interpret meaning in each line. Eye can reach about 3 cm at a time, where the average includes four or five words. Related to this, the fact is the majority of readers do not use their peripheral vision to see words at the end of each line.
To overcome this, "soften" your view when reading - by relaxing facial and expand your horizons, you'll start seeing blocks of words instead of looking at each word as a distinct unit. When you get used to it, your eyes will go through page by page to be faster and faster.
When you are nearing the end of the line, let it take over your peripheral vision to see the last set of words. This way you can quickly scan and go down to the next line.
Regression is re-read the material that is not needed.
Sometimes people get into the habit of reading back to the words they had just read, while, at other times, they may jump back a few sentences, just to ensure that they have read something right. When you step back like this, you lose the flow and structure of the text, and your understanding of the material as a whole may decline.
Pay attention to this regression problem, and do not allow yourself to re-read the material unless it is really required.
To reduce the amount of your eyes jump back, use the pointer along the line you read. This could be a finger, or a pencil. Your eyes will follow the tip of your pointer and will help you avoid jumping back to back. You speed read using this method will depend on the speed you move the pointer.
The concentration of the Weak
If you try to read while watching TV, you will know how difficult it is to concentrate on one word, let alone on many sentences circuit. Reading should be done in an environment where external distractions are kept to a minimum.
To improve concentration as you read, stop multitasking (doing two or more activities at the same time) while reading, and eliminate any distractions. This is very important, because when you use technique to collect blocks of words together and stop sub-vocalizing while doing other activities, you may find that you've read a few pages before realizing that you do not understand something correctly.
Note the "internal disturbance" as well. If you remember'd read an interesting discussion, or if you are wondering what will you make for dinner, it will also limit your ability to process information.
Sub-vocalization is actually forcing your brain to pay attention to what you read, and that is why people often say that they can read and watch TV at the same time. But to become an efficient reader, you need to avoid this.
Read linear
We are taught to read sideways and down, taking in every word, sentence, paragraph and page sequence.
When you do this, you would issue the same attention to both the core material and additional material. (Often more information is presented more than you really need to know).
Overcome this by scanning the headings on the page, and the search for the points and the words in bold. There is no rule that says you have to read the document as desired author, so scan quickly, and decide what is necessary and what is not. Just pay attention to key materials.
As you read, look for the author to add a little note to make their writing interesting. If you get this point, it is not necessary to read the sample-example. Similarly, decide what you need to reread. It would be much better to read an important paragraph twice than read eight paragraphs on the same concept.Key Success Speed ​​Reading
Knowing "how" quick read just the first step. You must practice to master it well. Here are some tips that will help you break the habit of reading poorly and quickly master the skills of reading as discussed above.
• Practice, practice, practice - you have to use these skills on a regular basis. You have spent a couple of years to learn to read, and of course it will take time to improve your reading skills.
• Choose a material that is easy to get started - when you start to learn to read faster, do not use textbooks challenging. Read something like a novel or a magazine, you can enjoy and understand in one reading.
• The material is just right - not everything you read is suitable for a quick read.
• legal documents, draft annual report, or even a letter that you received from a loved one - all of this is better read in its entirety including the method of sub-vocalization.
• If you need to fully understand the intent, given the information, discuss in detail, analyze thoroughly, or just enjoy the way the author intended prose, then read fast is the wrong approach. (Here, it is necessary to choose the right strategy in reading before you start).
• Use the pointer or other tool to help propel your reading speed - when you quickly draw a card that is used as a tool to the bottom of the page, or move your finger back and forth, you are forcing your eyes and brain to follow.
• Take a step back and use the structure of the material - this includes getting information quickly about the layout of text, searching for the words that dihuruf thick, titles, subtitles, and look for ways in which the authors make the transition from one topic to next.
• When you begin to learn to read faster, it is wise to compare with your current reading speed. This way you can tell whether your workout is successful or not, and you get a positive impression from friends and family when you tell them that you are now able to read faster.Important Points
Speed ​​reading is a skill that can be learned and most will eliminate poor habits that you learned from the beginning you learn to read. Being a fast reader is actually not the main goal, but you want to become a more efficient reader.
There are some great techniques that you can use when practicing fast reading, including reading blocks of words, and delete custom sub-vocalization.
Whatever techniques are applied, you always have to understand before reading your goals and decide whether to read quickly is the most appropriate approach.
When implemented properly and practiced diligently, speed reading can significantly improve the overall effectiveness of your time, because it allows you to work more efficiently in other areas.

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Dare You Take The First Step Chasing the Sky?

"Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase" - Martin Luther King, Jr.,
We never talked about the importance of goals in your life. When we've had a goal and intend to do anything to achieve it, then that's when doubt and fear would appear to deter us pursue our goal. Never felt this way too??
Yes, it is natural that happens because when you intend to do something to chase dreams / goals you, this usually means that you have to stretch yourself and force yourself to get out of your comfort zone so far. The road might be taken would feel uncomfortable and scary, where you yourself may not be able to see the end of the road.
You can do is your goal you must be sure that these goals can be achieved and confident about yourself that you can achieve it and start making a plan going the way you need to take. You also must make sure that the path would you take, the first step you start NOW. Do not delay anymore. Most people continue to wait until everything is perfect, which ultimately makes them never even get started. If you are sure the mileage would you really will take you achieve your goal, what are you waiting, do the necessary first step right now, followed by the next step, the next, and the next.
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao Tse
The song "One Step at a Time" by Jordin Sparks describes very well how should we act when we want to achieve something, which is working step by step. Steps taken a big step unnecessary, just enough small steps only. It will make us feel it's quite easy to do and can be achieved. Do not expect a big leap will happen in your life, if you do not even do small steps. Without the first step, there will be no second step, third, and so on.
So have you have a goal? Have you had a road map to the target goal you are? Have you define the first step you have to do on the road the journey will you? If it is all OK, do it now, do the necessary first step. The first step is usually the hardest because that is when you are really bold decisions and to take action on your decisions. Just like walking, when your right foot already stepped up to take the first step, you take your left foot step take the second step, the re followed by the right foot taking the third step, and so on until you reach a point where you're no longer running but is already running , which makes the faster you'll arrive at your destination.
"The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult." Madame Marie du Deffand
"The first step binds one to the second."

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Set of words of Wisdom Newest Today

When we bound the problem, then a string of wise words of wisdom that will give us insight, motivation and peace. Form of human experience, bringing people better understand the storyline fate they face, and word to the wise is a picture of a rewarding experience for everyone else to hear it. Wise proverb says: "Learn from the experience and mistakes of others, because we do not have enough time to gain experience and make that mistake yourself."
Here are some wise words temple that you can contemplate and absorb, for the ultimate experience and treasury inner soul, giving new motivation that can trigger our zeal to get things better.

wise words of world leaders
Words of WisdomBetter to face thugs but be faithful, rather than face the security but be hello kitty.

Being successful is not an obligation, the obligation is our struggle to be successful.

If the failure was like rain, and success like the sun, it takes both of them to see the rainbow.

Life is move forward! Not backward! Forget who have passed! Make it a benchmark for a better future.

Humans are the only creatures that can cut down the trees, process them into sheets of paper, and wrote Stop Deforestation on that paper.

Keperjuangan core is undergoing the effort and added to keiklasan.

God actually has been providing solutions to the difficulties we face, but God does not immediately reduce the settlement because they want to know how much our love to Him.

Science was obtained with a tongue who likes to ask who want to think and reason.

We judge ourselves by what we are doing, others judge us by what we have done.

A teacher who honestly have to intend for students smarter thereof, when an honest student teacher must also recognize cleverness.

Love a favor and do not you love a favor granted.

Eye can see clearly, but only hearts can see the truth.

That determines your future instead of wealth, position and happiness that you are trying to accomplish, but in which direction you will take all of that

People who are busy pursuing their self-interest would create a lot of opponents

If we are not able to be a lamp that illuminates the night, then so be fireflies adorning the night.

Life is a comedy for anyone who lives with reason. And a tragedy for those who live with emotion.

Everyone should do 2 things with earnestness: doing the very thing he liked, and doing the very thing he hates.

Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind, and act faster than conscience.

No one can change the past but you can ruin the future to mourn the past and worrying future.

True wealth is not measured by how much investment he did to earn the money, but the amount of investment that he did to earn the afterlife.

A smile is a gift of God to every human being contains light goodness and holiness, bringing peace to the look, and cultivating compassion for giving. Then smile to everyone.

It is easier to fight than the thousands of people armed themselves against arrogance.

What did you do today, is also key to good or ruin your tomorrows. Do the best for today.

How difficult man who is still grateful for the breath blows on the body. But how easily people complain just because his foot dirt.

Whatever happens to you tomorrow because of what you did today.

God did not just lose destiny. God gave destiny in accordance with what we are doing. If we go ahead and try, God will give success destiny. If we are careless and lazy, then God will give destiny a failure.

To fool even the Lord sends good luck, to the crazy ones God gives life fortune.

When we look back we have actually left with a man who crawled forward. Indeed, the past is a teacher for us to look and build for the future.

The hardest thing in life is not to surpass others, but beyond the ego and ourselves.

Be proud of yourself, Although there are not Liked. Sometimes they hate because they can not be like you.

Thorn in the feet are hard to find, especially a thorn in the heart. If anyone has seen a thorn in his heart, which may be powerful grief?

God created everything in pairs pasangan.Ada right hand, there is a clever kiri.Ada hand, there are bodoh.Jangan say you never tasted the sweetness of success, do not tell me you do not have to taste the bitterness of kegagalan.Tapi let all such as running water and do a best in daily life

If you are afraid to go, see how a baby trying to walk. Undoubtedly you will find, that every human being will surely fall. Only the best man is capable of rising from the jatuhannya.

God is as you think, if you think that God is good, then God will be good to you. But if you think God's Poor, God will treat you with the Poor.

If you do not like what's around you, change it, at least change yourself. Remember, you're not a tree.

Best Man is always trying to make others happy. Do it even if you have to leave them and alone.

Our strengths are, we are able to start, and we are also able to TERMINATE.

We always have a choice every day. Staying we choose, initiate goodwill today, or wait and get a sense of regret tomorrow.

If you look at the world, then look down, because if you look up, then what you get is a sore neck and eyes dizzy.

Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep from falling off the bike and keep the balance, we have to keep moving, and foot pedal.

Best trade is to sell the good deeds in exchange for paradise.

The best was: "I've tried it", and the worst is: "I'll try"

Sometimes we forget that to see ourselves, the best way is through the eyes of others.

Remember, our pain today will be wonderful and sweet as we remember it later.

Compile error this time, because the later collection of mistakes called experience that will take you to the peak of the success.

God actually playing chess with our lives. He moves the pawn-bidaknya named challenges, trials and tribulations, then sat back to see our reaction. So make the best move before God gave us Chess Mat.

Treat everyone with kindness and genuine respect, even when they behave badly padamu.lngatlah that respect to others not because of who they are, but because of who you are.

Owl be a symbol of wisdom, because A wise owl sitting on a branch. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke the more he heard. Why not try to be like that wise owl?

Grieving, mourning and regret will never be able to change things. Just move, move and do your can replace grief into happiness.

Act and run all your dreams, because there are actually inside you have the energy and ability to do anything.

The worst mistake we were too busy watching and taking care of other people's mistakes.

People who fail to always find a way to avoid trouble, while successful people always braved difficult to succeed.

Actually, our failure is not due to the difficulties that impede our steps, but because of lack of courage to fight the fear within.

Be men were at the time of your birth everyone laughing happily, but only you yourself were crying. And at the time of death all those sad tears, but only you yourself smiling.

If the failure was like rain, and success like the sun, it takes both of them to see the rainbow.

You can have anything you want, if you are able to eliminate the belief that you will not get what you want.

If you want something that you do not have, then you will have to do something you've never done.

Oversized Someone Not Visible As He Stood And Giving orders, but when he stood as tall as the others, and helping others to achieve their best.
Sometimes, a person would prefer to smile, because she does not want to explain why she was sad.

Thinking before doing is one of wisdom, thinking after the act is an ignorance, while doing without thinking is a thousand follies.

He who can suppress his anger, when he has the right to release the anger that God filled him with faith and a sense of security and tranquility.

Science and wisdom it is a faithful friend until the breath of life apart from the body.

A bright future based on the past that have been forgotten. You can not move well in life until you forget about the failures and heartache.

Prayer gives strength to the weak, making people believe it to be believed, and give courage to those who fear.

Do not despair. But if you are to be in a state of despair, fight continues despite the desperate circumstances.

The world is like a vast ocean, and we are a seafaring vessel that has many shipwrecks in it. But if we are a boatload of faith, and the screen is piety, rest assured that we will never get lost seafaring life.

In human society there are animals bitch, but in the animals no one man bitch - Aristotle.

Real friends are those who can be by your side when you need a rest, although at that time they could be somewhere else more fun.

Broken hearts are bent iron for instance, though it was a knock, hard back into the original form.

Useful life is life when going towards the evening, firewood available to face the night to come.

Make it past the experience and lessons, please fill out the running time with a charity and deeds, and the future do not be too be imagined.

Wealth is lost can be chased back to the diligence and hard work. Lost health can be taken back to the drugs, but the time lost will never come back.

If you wake up one morning, it means you are given the opportunity to be thankful and do good deeds until the time you go back to sleep.

A smile is a wonderful charity, because charity smile, humans would never owe anything and it does not make others feel insulted.

None of the most intelligent and the most stupid in this world who are good at it because they all may be stupid and all that it could be a clever fool.

Fate is not really a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. Destiny instead of having to wait, but destiny must be achieved.

Do not look for God because you need answers. Seek the Lord because you know that He is the answer to the question.
Meanwhile, below are some wise words from world leaders, Words of Wisdom from the Leaders of the World can be an inspiration for you, and inject motivational pep in living life. I deliberately chose the words of wisdom from world leaders as they arguably have in living life, a complicated, heavy, challenging, and they got through and succeed so called world leaders.
In addition, the fruit of thought leaders the world has become an inspiration to many people. Immediately, please read the wise words of world leaders be it politicians, leaders, filusuf, writers, clergy, singers, artists and actors, scientists, and so below are excerpted from a variety of sources and has been translated into Indonesian language so that we can better understand the meaning and objectives.
Words of Wisdom World LeadersBeauty is only skin outside. But the most important is the balance between mind, body, and soul. - Jennifer Lopez.

Silence is better than utter words without meaning. - Pythagoraz.
You can not escape the responsibility of tomorrow by avoiding today. - Abraham Lincoln.

Sense of satisfaction making the poor is a rich man, while a sense of dissatisfaction to make the rich become a poor man. Benjamin Franklin.
If someone is still inside there is a sense of shame and fear to do something good, it is a guarantee for the people he meets will not progress a single step. - Soekarno.

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but it is the incarnation of a force. - Kahlil Gibran.
Men and women are as two wings of a bird. If two equally strong wings, the bird fly up to the top of the highest, if one of the two broken wings, then it can be no flying bird at all. - Soekarno.

Attitude is a small act that can produce a big difference. - Winston Churchill.
We can not always build the future for the younger generation, but we can build the young generation for the future. - Franklin D Roosevelt.

Think before determining a statute, set strategy before attacking, and musyawarahkan before stepping forward. - Imam Shafi'i.
Those who are weak-minded would not be able to give a sincere apology. True forgiveness is only attached to those tough-minded. - Mohandas Gandhi.

You MUST know you can win. You HAVE to think you can win, and you have to feel you can win. - Sugar Ray Leonard.
Reason is only going to take you from A to B, but imagination is able to bring you from A to wherever. - Albert Einstein.

To achieve success, it is not enough to do your best. Sometimes we must do what is necessary. - Winston Churchill.
Prosperity is a great teacher, but the difficulties and shortcomings is a much better teacher. - William Hazlitt.

Those who do not learn from history, then they are doomed to repeat it. - George Santayana.
Better to live one year as a tiger than live 100 years as a sheep. - Madonna.

Nations whose nationalism is destroyed botched an easy target for other nations. - Muammar Gaddafi.
Successful people I know are those who do more listening than talking. - Bernard M Baruch.

A golden opportunity is often missed by many people because it looks like a glimpse of the ordinary and trivial. - Thomas Alva Edison.
Human significance lies not in what he is getting, but what is he missed to grab. - Kahlil Gibran.

Fear is the worst enemy as well as your best friend. It's like fire. If you can control it, it can be to cook and heat their homes. Conversely if you can not control it will burn and destroy you. - Mike Tyson.
Seventy percent of the territory of Indonesia is salt water, this is why we are importing salt? Okay if stupid, but why deliberately stupid? - KH Abdurrahman Wahid.

We live for the present, we dream of the future, and we learn eternal truths. - Chiang Kai-shek.
Great work is not done by force, but with perseverance and tenacity. - Samuel Johnson.

Struggle easier because repel the invaders, but the struggles will be more difficult because against your own people. - Soekarno.
No one was ever honored for what he received. Honor is the reward for those who have given something meaningful. - Calvin Coolidge.

Of so many friends, and have not found a better friend than keeping the tongue. I thought about all the clothes, but did not find a better dress than piety. I'm contemplating about any kind of good deed, but does not get better than giving good advice. I'm looking for any form of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience. - Umar bin Khattab.
Goodness there were five cases; wealth liver, the patient ill of others, mengaris rizki kosher, taqwa, and believed in God's promise. - Imam Shafi'i.

The lion looks most handsome when looking for prey. - Jalaluddin Rumi.
The first and worst of all frauds is self-deception. - Philip James Bailey.

If you are reluctant to take risks, you will never lose. But without daring to risk, you will never win. - Richard Nixon.
People who have optimistic souls are those who see a green light everywhere, while the pessimists see only the red light. People who are truly wise are those who are color blind. - Albert Schweitzer.

Learn about the science of mind and without learning to enrich the hearts together with not learning anything. - Aristotle.
If your actions inspire others to dream, act, and become more than ever, you are a leader. - John Quincy Adams.

Be good to your friends to keep them, and applies well to your enemies to defeat them. - Benjamin Franklin.
Earth is enough for seven generations, but it will never be enough for seven people greedy. - Mahatma Gandhi.

If people are good because they fear punishment or expect a gift, then the They are in great remorse. - Albert Einstein.
The error will not be repeated even though the truth was announced, on the contrary, the truth is not going to be a mistake even if no one knows it. - Mahatma Gandhi.

You can make a throne of bayonets, but you will not be able to sit too long on it. - Boris Yeltsin.
If you believe the war will result in victory, you have to fight, even though the rules forbid it. - Sun Tzu.

I'm more afraid of the people who train 1 kick 1000 times, rather than a train 1000 kicks 1 time. - Bruce Lee.

Virtue is easy to show beamed and uttered the words gently. - Umar bin Khattab.

Holding with an opinion that is safer than the exaggerated and regret. - Imam Shafi'i.

Those who spend long - long hours to collect treasures for fear of poverty, then he is actually the poor. - Imam Al Ghazali.

That's a little collection of words of wisdom, may be able to inspire and motivate you the reader. Thank you.

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technology 2013

10 years behind in technology has advanced very rapidly, perhaps even beyond our own predictions. We can see today that there are developments. However, the author will discuss diartikel is, kegalaun-turmoil that will appear in 2013 now ...

1. Slow demise of netbooks2 years ago netbook might be a stepping stone to the consumer that is not enough to buy a notebook / laptop, or more require a dibaawa bring convenience to the mobile consumer. But look at the current situation, all of it will be replaced by a tablet that has flourished at this time. many cheap tablets in the market so that the tablet is not a luxury item anymore. Moreover, the full support of the Android OS, because the OS is open source, or not paid. Anyone can install this OS without having to pay a penny.

2. Smartphone users to be smart.It seems today we are increasingly competing to keep track of this gadget. Without having to put the needs of the more important people have seemed to not want to miss this one gadget, especially in confusing the public of the many display options that exist, as if the day of the smartphone screen is getting bigger and hopefully gained aside to consumers.

3. The emergence of the Successor Generation ConsoleYear 2013 people will be surprised by the Next-Gen consoles, such as Xbox 720 or PS4 emergence, the world will no longer be in the presence of two hardware surprise after more than 10 years old crate console xbox 360 and PS3 have power. What should be anticipated by gamers the world? No other of which is money. Yes, the money is to be prepared for the presence of these two hardware, and must be redeemed at a price that is not cheap, considering they had been when the emergence of ps3 and xbox 360 prices are still exorbitant, ranging between 5 million - 6 million dollars. But all of this is returned to us as consumers.

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Being a Parent and "Parenting" In the Age of Now

Two weeks ago, I along with the teachers in the school held a raid all the gadgets that are owned by students ranging from flash, laptop, neetbook, ipad, ipod, tablet and HP relating to pornography and violent content contained in the gadget brought by students. And the results actually found some students belonging gadgets are pornographic and violent games and eventually the school should provide follow-up related to the incident. During the raid, found in almost all gadgets child / student areas passwords so in this case the parents will surely find it difficult to keep an eye on the content contained in the gadget children. Especially today with the rapid development of advanced technological gadgets, parents are in fact not a "digital native" find it difficult to follow the sophistication gadget. The children of today who can be categorized as "digital native" and respond quickly learned of sophistication gadget. In addition to examining the content that has been stored in the gadget students, We are the teachers and of course with the help of ICT teachers also check view the history of internet websites that have been opened by the students also program applications in gadget students.
Whereas in school rules clearly that there is no use of gadgets for ongoing learning activities and the use of laptops and the like are only used to support teaching and learning activities. And finally learned of the incident the school had a policy relating to the gadget so that students can take advantage of the gadgets and technologies appropriate.
Then different story is much the same at home with my son who was sitting in class 2 SD. I as a parent, is now very concerned about the development of children today. For me the development of technology, the gadget itself is neutral. The sophistication of the technology created for human prosperity and ease. And the problem is the man who does not use appropriate technology. Aberrations always occur.
Home as my parents gave all my twin sons play the game PS, I'm pretty selective with VCD games played by my twin sons lest the children play "stupid game", a game that only provide entertainment stimulus alone so addicted (addicted) not give the feel of educative. Then also provide so many rules and contractual agreements for the use of PS. It also rupakan tricked by my twin sons. Sometimes when I'm not home they try to secretly play PS games online for rental or outside the home. And I never even dared to lie ketemukan they are supposed to use pocket money to buy a snack but instead used to play PS or game rental online with reasons of boredom denganVCD PS that has been owned. Of course in this case I should be more careful, careful with the development of my son either at home or outside the home. Defenses me as a parent is to continue instilling the values ​​of life (living values) to the children to keep them well maintained behavioral, cognitive, affective and psychomotor from improper use of the gadget.
And one day I would be happy to see my twin sons play gobak Sodor (traditional games) with his group of peers in a home environment. Details of the game that many kids learn, especially learning to live together.
I imagine, the time of the father-mother-grandma-grandma and my childhood days when we did not have the first game of the gadget. Games that we do is all the traditional game, played in the time / river looking for frogs, dragonflies capture the garden, looking for butterflies. But apparently today's world, children and my students are now hard to find a game that I think the media is much more "educational" than the game in today's gadgets. We used to learn and play from and directly with nature. Environmental degradation due to human inability maintain the balance of nature has taken it all. Anyone who has been a victim?
And true era will not move backwards as well as "No culture is timeless ..." (Serena Nanda and Richard L. Warms, 2007) as revealed by Nanda and Warms anthropologists in their work "Cultural Anthropology" that all have histories of culture change and no one belongs to a culture that is stuck in time .. "In a culture theory that changes in both society and the culture surrounding it is a necessity. Similarly, we have seen how changes in social, economic, political, cultural and environment have occurred, one of which changes in technology, gadgets, we and our children. As parents and the parenting that we can do is let's keep our kids

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35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013)

The International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, provides programs where researchers, practitioners, and educators present, discuss, and debate the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and challenges in the field of software engineering. ICSE 2013, the 35th in the conference series, encourages contributors from academia, industry, and government to share leading-edge software engineering ideas with inspirational leaders in the field.  All events are at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco, right in the heart of the Embarcadero District, in view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate bridge.  Please join us for what promises to be a memorable ICSE!

San Francisco has only one drawback. 'Tis hard to leave. —Rudyard Kipling
Opportunities for professional engagement include workshops, tutorials, demonstrations, posters, exhibits, paper tracks on research, education and software engineering in practice, as well as a set of co-located events.  Students, as the lifeblood of the field, will be prominent at ICSE 2013 not only as contributors to the conventional opportunities, but also through the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) and the worldwide Student Contest on Software Engineering (SCORE).  The main conference (May 22-24) will have multiple tracks that intermix research, education, practice, demonstrations, posters, new and emerging ideas, and keynotes. Tutorials, workshops, and co-located events will be held before (May 18-21) and after (May 24-26) the main conference.
We invite you to browse this website early and often and to consider submitting to any (or all!) parts of the program, as well as to the co-located events.
We are pleased to announce our fantastic keynote speakers:
  • Pamela Samuelson (University of California at Berkeley)
  • Tony DeRose (Pixar Research Group)
  • Linda Northrop (Software Engineering Institute - Carnegie Mellon)
If you would like to support ICSE please download the brochure. Organizations interested in supporting ICSE 2013 can become benefactors.  We deeply appreciate our supporters' commitment to ICSE 2013 and encourage others to join them in ensuring that ICSE 2013 continues to be the preeminent forum for sharing innovations in the field.

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Belajar Berbisnis Mode Melalui Seminar 'Suistanable Fashion' IFW 2013

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25 Motivational Life Love and Success

As I discuss in the article Fire ignition motivational words that ignite action, that motivasi2 thought could give a big hand in changing lives.
Here's a collection of words of motivation that can be used as a reference you motivate yourself, may add inspiration to you.
1. Trying to always think positive and optimistic in all the trouble, do not obsess on the experience of the past or the future, but the present gaze. The past is gone, never to return again, that future has not happened yet so we do not know what happened and eventually just chestnut expect anything, but now is the time, we must determine and make decisions for ourselves.
Think positive and optimistic look like a trivial sentence poem, but sdarilah is very important in the role you take decisions that will determine the success or ruin
2. Reflect from the mistakes of others, apart from the mistake ourselves, reflect on the mistakes myself so as not to fall on the same hole, and to reflect on the error, it will be more encouraged us to mistake it does not happen to us.
3. Be honest though honesty it takes us to hell.
4. Justice will not be enforced as long as we still care about the existing law and self-interest.
5. If you love someone, love him what it is, not because you want him to be as you wish, for you only love your reflection on him.
6. Dream of something and make your dreams a reality, in fact there would be no world if no one dreamed
7. If you fail to get something, just one thing you should do, try again!!!!
8. Do you love someone because of looks / face, his wealth and position, but loved for his kindness and sincerity of his heart because some of it all, just her kindness and sincerity that remain timeless.
9. Do not try / do things half-heartedly, as the results you can also just half.
10. Never tired to seek knowledge because everything in this world needs science, if there is no science then we are with the dead, thou canst do nothing.
11. Go to the friend at the time he was gone in hard and when he is happy, because the truth is you who will be remembered when he was troubled when you help
12. Indeed, in times of distress friend, a sincere smile is worth more than a million words worthless.
13. Indeed, there are still many people in the world more difficult than we are, then stop it all our complaints and grateful for what we got.
14. Appreciate and respect others if we want respect and respect of others, and respect and honor yourself first then we can appreciate and respect others.
15. What do you give thanks to because you can not necessarily get more what you can.
16. One treasure that rarely has people today, that's honesty.
17. The essence of all human beings have the same degree, we do not need to distinguish as a result will make ourselves too low.
18. When we are feeling betrayed and let down, pray that someday you will not betray and disappoint, because you also have felt the pain of being betrayed and let down.
19. Love is not the only reason to live but also a loveless life would be bland and boring.
20. Do not make a failure as a reason to be afraid to experience it again so you do not want to try again, but look at failure as success knowing the wrong way
21. If you see a beauty, be thankful because you can still enjoy the beauty that you will not be able to see again.
22. Time is a sword, if you can use it well, it will definitely bring good luck, but if you use it badly, he'll kill you.
23. Death came suddenly, so do you still think to always enjoy the world??
24.Kesuksesan always have a price to pay. People who are super busy to successful, ranging from Microsoft boss Bill Gates, Ted Turner CNN or Boss, or Albert Enistein, or whoever it is, has always had a "wound" that rarely can be known to outsiders. Outsiders only see the "good" only.
25.Semua successful people look good, comfortable, rich, fine, no problems. That's not true, successful people always have problems in his life. Whatever the form of the problem.

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