
Key to Success Worship
"And I have not created jinn and man to worship Me." (Adh Dzariyat: 56).
So Allah asserted purpose of human creation: Worship. Thus, there should not be one second of noise that are not worth the breath of human worship. Because worship we can also carry out every second of our breath. As described Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah worship is a term that covers all the actions and words; zhohir and inner loved and blessed by Allah Ta'ala. Thus worship is divided into three, namely: the heart of worship, prayer and worship oral limbs.
Terms Receipt of Charity Worship
Ikhlash and mutaba'ah (following the guidance of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi yours respectfully). That's the key to success in worship. Both of these conditions are summarized in the word of Allah,

"... Those who expect an encounter with his Lord, let him work deeds of Salih and let him not ascribe one in the worship of his Lord." (Al-Kahf: 110).

Salih charity means that practice their religion in accordance with the procedures that have been taught by the Prophet, and not associate in worship mean mengikhlashkan worship only to Allah alone.
It is also hinted at in the word,

"(Not so) and even he who surrendered to Allah, he is doing good, then his reward on the Robbnya and no fear come upon them, and not (also) they grieve." (Al-Baqoroh: 112).
Surrendered to Allah means mengikhlashkan all worship only to Allah alone. Do good (ihsan) means to follow shari'ah Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam.
The first condition (Ikhlash) is a consequence of the first shahada (testimony there is no god except Allah alone correct). Because this testimony requires us to mengikhlashkan all our worship is only for Allah alone. Being the second condition (mutaba'ah) is a consequence of the second Shahadah (testimony of the Prophet Muhammad-shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam-as His servant and messenger).
Ikhlash in Worship
The entire worship that we do must be directed to Allah alone. Although one worship day and night, if not Ikhlash (based on monotheism) is futile charity. Allah said,

"And they were not told except to worship Allah with obedience to Him purifies the (run) straight religion, and that they establish prayer, and practice regular charity, and that is the straight religion." (Al-Bayyinah: 5)
So really lucky someone is always watching her, Where intentions when he worshiped, is for Allah, or for other than Allah. Consider the following types of deeds:
Practice riya 'solely, the practice was done just to be seen or because the earthly creatures. Practices such as these charred, no value at all and the perpetrators deserve the wrath of Allah. Practice devoted to Allah and with riya 'from the very beginning, the texts of which shohih shows such deeds bathil and erased. Practice devoted to Allah and with the intention other than riya '. As jihad has intended to Allah and therefore wanted the spoils of war. Such practice is reduced reward, not up until erased null and charity.
Practice that was originally intended to Allah then terbesit riya 'in the middle, then the practice is divided into two, if riya' is flashed briefly and then immediately driven riya 'does not affect anything. But if riya 'deeds are always accompanies the strongest opinion among the scholars of the Salaf said that deeds do not cancel and intentions initially assessed as Hasan al-Basri opinion. But he remains innocent because riya'nya and additional charity (charity extension because riya ') erased. Being charitable Ikhlash later won praise for Allah, so he was pleased with the compliment, then this does not affect anything for charity.
Worshipping only the Shari'a Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam
Know, worship is not the product of human intellect and feelings. Worship is something that is blessed by Allah, and you will not know what Allah except after Allah blessed preach or explain Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam. And all the goodness has taught Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam, not left at all. Not in the dictionary worship someone implement something because they think this is good, but Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam was never cited. So when asked, "Why are you doing this?" And he replied, "Is not this a good thing? Why do you forbid me from doing good? "Brother, not reason and feelings that a judge good or bad. Do you feel more taqwa and Salih than Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions? Remember the words of Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam,

"Whoever is doing the deeds (worship) which is basically none of us so it was rejected." (Narrated by Muslim)
Notice that our worship should be appropriate procedures shollallohu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam in several ways:
Why. Worship to Allah with a cause that is not disyari'atkan, then worship is bid'ah and was not accepted. Example: There are people to pray Tahajjud at night Rojab twenty-seven months, arguing that that night was the night Mi'roj Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam (raised to the sky). Tahajjud Prayer is worship but as it is associated with a cause that is not specified then the prayer sharia law causes such heresy.
Kind. This means that worship must be in accordance with the Shari'a in its kind, an example of someone who slaughter horses for sacrifice is not valid, because it violates the shari'ah of its kind. Types that may be used as sacrificial animals are camels, cows and goats.
Levels (bilangannya). If there is someone who intentionally adding raka'at numbers into five roka'at Dhuhr prayer, the prayer of heresy and is not acceptable, because it does not conform with the provisions of the Shari'a in the number roka'atnya numbers. From here we know the fault of the people who make dhikr with menenentukan amount of reading is to a certain number, both in the matter of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions. They did not get anything but tired and wrath of Allah.
Kaifiyah (how). If someone ablution by washing the hands and face only, then wudhunya invalid because it does not fit in the manner specified Shari'a.
Time. When people slaughtering sacrificial animals on the first day of Eid al-Adha month Dhu al-Hijjah, it is not legitimate, because shariah determine slaughter for the feast and the day Tasyriq only.
Place. Suppose someone beri'tikaf in places other than the mosque, it is not legitimate i'tikafnya. Because the only place I'tikaf in the Masjid.
Wallohu showaab bish knows best.

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