Success Secrets of the World and the Hereafter

 Rahasia Sukses Dunia dan Akhirat
People who do not know the secret of success is to say,
"Why bother to help others, even in other countries, but our own hard?"
He does not know the secret of this success? Too bad, but very powerful if you apply it. The secret of success is not possible either. Not only successful in the world, but also success in the Hereafter. Insha Allah. Want to know? Do not just know, but also apply. Including my own. Let us learn.
We will succeed if we want to apply it. For success next world, there is one key that must exist when applying, that sincere. Without sincerity, you may be successful, but only in the world alone. But if you want to succeed in the hereafter as well, then sincerity is set in stone. Ikhlas is the main condition to get a reply from a charitable God.
Success secrets that exist in the following hadith:

Had told us Abu Mu'awiya had told us Al A'masy and Ibn Numair had mengkabarkan to us from Abu Salih Al A'masy of Abu Hurairah, he said; Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: "Whoever relieve a believer of trouble in the world then Allah will relieve him trouble on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever covers disgrace of a Muslim then Allah will cover her shame in this world and in the hereafter. And whoever makes it easy for a tribulation that God will help him in this world and in the Hereafter, and Allah will aid a servant as long as he wants to help his brother. Anyone pursuing a path in order to seek knowledge Allah will facilitate for him the way to heaven, and not a people who had gathered at the home of one of the houses of Allah, they read the book of Allah, and learn with their peers but will be lowered to them peace, assigned them grace, surrounded by angels and Allah Almighty will mention them in the presence of angels in his side. And whoever is slowed down by his deeds will not be accelerated by nasabnya. "(Ahmad No. 7118)
OK, I'll rangkumkan below.The secret of success is:

relieve a believer out of trouble in the world
cover the disgrace of a Muslim
make it easier for a hardship
willing to help his brother
to study
read the book of Allah
Of course, there are others if we want to explore the Quran and hadith other.What are the benefits of the secrets of success above?
Here is a summary of the benefits of applying the six secrets to success above:

Allah will relieve him hard in the Day of Judgment
Allah will cover her shame in this world and in the Hereafter
Allah will make it easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter
God will help
Allah will ease for him the way to heaven
God will have mercy
If Allah had willed, who will be able to stop him? Is not this a terrible secret to success?

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