Speed ​​Reading Tricks

just think about how much you read every day.
Perhaps you read the newspaper to find out what is happening in Indonesia or the world. You browse countless emails from colleagues. Then you might want to read books, reports, proposals, periodicals, and letters that make up your day.
When you remember it, reading could be work-related skills that you use most often? Reading well is a skill which most of us do that since we are at the age of 12 years.
After all, if we can read and understand textbooks, whether we've become good readers?
Probably not, and given the time to read is often consumed in our daily lives, then reading becomes a skill that we absolutely must have and improve.
But to become better readers, what would be involved?
Become better readers means more rapid and efficient in reading, without compromising the essence of what you read. In this article, we'll look at how you can do this, and how can you forget your old reading habits are not good.How We're Reading
Even if you spend most of your time each day to read, do you ever think about how you read?
How your eyes to understand the shape of letters, and then put the letters together to form a sentence that you can understand?
When you really think about it, reading becomes a fairly complex skill. Previously, scientists believed that when you read, your eyes focused on a particular letter in the word. Recent research has shown that kind of thing does not happen.
Scientists now believe that each of your eyes lock onto a different letter at the same time, usually two separate characters. Your brain then combines the letters together to form a word. This happens almost instantly.Advantages Speed ​​Reading
Most people read at an average rate of 250 words per minute. This means that you spend 1-2 minutes to read a page in a book or document.
However, imagine if you could double your level to 500 words per minute. You can quickly read all of the content in half the time. You then can use the time saved to other tasks, or take a few extra minutes to relax.
Another important advantage of the quick read is that you can better understand the overall structure of the document. This results in an understanding of the "bigger", where you can benefit for your job and career.

Speed ​​reading is a skill that is useful and valuable. However, there may be times when it is not appropriate when using this technique. For example, reading a very important document which you need to read slowly, so that you can fully understand every detail.
Solve the Less Good Reading Habits
If you are like most people, then you may have a habit of reading that slow you down. Become better readers means how to overcome bad habits, so that you can open a new path, which is an effective way to read.
Below are some general reading habit is not good, following a discussion about what you can do about it.
Sub-vocalization is the habit of pronouncing each word in your head when you read it. Most people do this to some extent.
If you do a sub-vocalization, you "hear" the words spoken in your mind. It takes more time than necessary, because you can actually understand the words faster than you say it.
To turn off the sound in your head, you must first understand that this is happening to you, then you have to practice "do not talk". When you sit down to read, tell yourself that you will not do sub-vocalization. You need to practice this to this bad habit is lost. Read a set of words will also help, as it is difficult to articulate a set of words.
By eliminating sub-vocalization alone, you can increase the speed of reading with an astounding number. If not, you are limited to read at the same speed as speech, which is about 250-350 words per minute. The only way to break through this barrier is to stop saying the words in your head as you read.
Reading the Word By Word
Not only is slow to read word for word, but when you concentrate on the separate words, you often lose the whole concept of what it means. People who read every word as different units can be less understanding than those who read faster by "gathering" together words in a block. (Think about how your eyes move when you read this article, do you actually read every word, or you read a block of two, three, or five words?)
Practice expanding the number of words you can read at a time. You may also find that you can increase the number of words you can read the text positioned slightly further away from your eyes. The more words you can read in each block, the faster you will read!
Inefficient Eye Movement
Readers who later tended to focus on every word, and works interpret meaning in each line. Eye can reach about 3 cm at a time, where the average includes four or five words. Related to this, the fact is the majority of readers do not use their peripheral vision to see words at the end of each line.
To overcome this, "soften" your view when reading - by relaxing facial and expand your horizons, you'll start seeing blocks of words instead of looking at each word as a distinct unit. When you get used to it, your eyes will go through page by page to be faster and faster.
When you are nearing the end of the line, let it take over your peripheral vision to see the last set of words. This way you can quickly scan and go down to the next line.
Regression is re-read the material that is not needed.
Sometimes people get into the habit of reading back to the words they had just read, while, at other times, they may jump back a few sentences, just to ensure that they have read something right. When you step back like this, you lose the flow and structure of the text, and your understanding of the material as a whole may decline.
Pay attention to this regression problem, and do not allow yourself to re-read the material unless it is really required.
To reduce the amount of your eyes jump back, use the pointer along the line you read. This could be a finger, or a pencil. Your eyes will follow the tip of your pointer and will help you avoid jumping back to back. You speed read using this method will depend on the speed you move the pointer.
The concentration of the Weak
If you try to read while watching TV, you will know how difficult it is to concentrate on one word, let alone on many sentences circuit. Reading should be done in an environment where external distractions are kept to a minimum.
To improve concentration as you read, stop multitasking (doing two or more activities at the same time) while reading, and eliminate any distractions. This is very important, because when you use technique to collect blocks of words together and stop sub-vocalizing while doing other activities, you may find that you've read a few pages before realizing that you do not understand something correctly.
Note the "internal disturbance" as well. If you remember'd read an interesting discussion, or if you are wondering what will you make for dinner, it will also limit your ability to process information.
Sub-vocalization is actually forcing your brain to pay attention to what you read, and that is why people often say that they can read and watch TV at the same time. But to become an efficient reader, you need to avoid this.
Read linear
We are taught to read sideways and down, taking in every word, sentence, paragraph and page sequence.
When you do this, you would issue the same attention to both the core material and additional material. (Often more information is presented more than you really need to know).
Overcome this by scanning the headings on the page, and the search for the points and the words in bold. There is no rule that says you have to read the document as desired author, so scan quickly, and decide what is necessary and what is not. Just pay attention to key materials.
As you read, look for the author to add a little note to make their writing interesting. If you get this point, it is not necessary to read the sample-example. Similarly, decide what you need to reread. It would be much better to read an important paragraph twice than read eight paragraphs on the same concept.Key Success Speed ​​Reading
Knowing "how" quick read just the first step. You must practice to master it well. Here are some tips that will help you break the habit of reading poorly and quickly master the skills of reading as discussed above.
• Practice, practice, practice - you have to use these skills on a regular basis. You have spent a couple of years to learn to read, and of course it will take time to improve your reading skills.
• Choose a material that is easy to get started - when you start to learn to read faster, do not use textbooks challenging. Read something like a novel or a magazine, you can enjoy and understand in one reading.
• The material is just right - not everything you read is suitable for a quick read.
• legal documents, draft annual report, or even a letter that you received from a loved one - all of this is better read in its entirety including the method of sub-vocalization.
• If you need to fully understand the intent, given the information, discuss in detail, analyze thoroughly, or just enjoy the way the author intended prose, then read fast is the wrong approach. (Here, it is necessary to choose the right strategy in reading before you start).
• Use the pointer or other tool to help propel your reading speed - when you quickly draw a card that is used as a tool to the bottom of the page, or move your finger back and forth, you are forcing your eyes and brain to follow.
• Take a step back and use the structure of the material - this includes getting information quickly about the layout of text, searching for the words that dihuruf thick, titles, subtitles, and look for ways in which the authors make the transition from one topic to next.
• When you begin to learn to read faster, it is wise to compare with your current reading speed. This way you can tell whether your workout is successful or not, and you get a positive impression from friends and family when you tell them that you are now able to read faster.Important Points
Speed ​​reading is a skill that can be learned and most will eliminate poor habits that you learned from the beginning you learn to read. Being a fast reader is actually not the main goal, but you want to become a more efficient reader.
There are some great techniques that you can use when practicing fast reading, including reading blocks of words, and delete custom sub-vocalization.
Whatever techniques are applied, you always have to understand before reading your goals and decide whether to read quickly is the most appropriate approach.
When implemented properly and practiced diligently, speed reading can significantly improve the overall effectiveness of your time, because it allows you to work more efficiently in other areas.

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